Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hello blog readers. So I have been totally slacking on my blogging duties and I apologize. Things around here have been busy and everyday I mean to get writing on updates and everyday it slips my mind. So today I have decided since it is rainy cold that it would be the perfect day to do some updating!

Things have been going relatively well. My work has taken all different turns and twists but I'm enjoying learning how the inner workings of this school. I have recently created a monthly newsletter dedicated to service that is happening in the Regis community. We call it RegiServes and it includes updates on our massive volunteer database project, volunteer opportunities on and off campus and we also spotlight a student, staff, faculty member or students groups that are doing GREAT things within the community! Since the holiday's are right around the corner I have included some Thanksgiving facts and the December issue will also include Christmas facts.

As I mentioned, we have started our massive campus wide volunteer database projects. Right now we are in the interview process, which is turning out to be a little more difficult then I thought it was going to be! A list of about 75 important people has been constructed and I am currently in the middle of interviewing and meeting with them to find out where and what their students or colleagues are doing in the community. It's a great concept and there is a huge need for one centralized place students, faculty and staff can locate volunteer opportunities, so I'm just hoping it all comes together by March! I mean, IT WILL!

I have been working closely with the office of Experiential Learning to help gather volunteers for a new community partner that has reached out to Regis College. Warm2Kids is a new center that has taken up residence in two Boys and Girls Clubs in Dorester. They are currently looking for students to help run programs and work in the centers. I went last week and got a sneak peak of the centers and met with the program directors. I'm hoping I can find a couple students who are able to work in the centers and really get these programs off the ground! Other then that, I am working to help the freshmen class (all 230) find volunteer opportunities for next semester and am working on a semester long reflection piece that will be done in and outside of the classroom. I truly believe reflection is a huge part of community service so I really like that I have been put in charge of creating and facilitating the piece!

I have been thinking a lot about home and friends/family I have been missing. Moving 700 miles from Detroit to Boston has been a huge adjustment but I think I have found a group of young professionals that work on campus that have taken up residence in my life. I can't stress how important it has been to be able to have these people around. I came here knowing no one and really questioning myself if I am strong enough to be here all alone. These last 3 months (WOW) have been a been learning period, not only learning about my new school/job but also about myself. Although, I cannot wait to head home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, I am really enjoying my time here. I even learned how to use the subway-so things are looking pretty good!

-Jessica Chandler, Regis College MACC AmeriCorps*VISTA

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