Thursday, September 18, 2008

Welcome to the MACC AmeriCorps*VISTA Blog!

My name is Jessica Chandler and I am a 1st year AmeriCorps*VISTA member.  I am working at Regis College in Weston, MA and I am currently getting lots of things done for America!  I am a recent graduate of Saginaw Valley State University in Saginaw, Michigan with a Bachelor of Social Work degree.  I was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan but realized there was so much more out there for me and I knew it was now or never.

My MACC journey started in March of 2008 when I was trying to decide if I wanted to pursue graduate school, a real job or take my life in a different direction for a couple of years.  I successfully choose the last option.  I knew there were a few things I wanted: 1) to work with students my age and in a college setting, 2) to get out of Michigan and 3) to do something meaningful with my life.  I have always been passionate about service and volunteering so I figured what better way to accomplish my three goals then to join AmeriCorps.  I researched and spoke with people who knew more about the different programs then I ever could and narrowed down my search.  Applied to the MACC program, was accepted then waited to find out where I would be spending my next year.

Through MACC and the AmeriCorps*VISTA program, I have been given so many opportunities.  This is not one of those programs where you are thrown into a set of circumstances and you must go at helping to change the world by yourself.  I feel completely supported and know if I ever need anything I have 30 some odd people waiting to help me along the way.  The reputation, resources, support and organization were among the many things that drew me to the MACC program.  Moving 700 miles away was not easy but knowing that I'm not going at it alone has been very comforting.

Although, I have not been at Regis very long I certainly have a great job!  My work plan has taken different shapes and forms but I really like what I am doing.  I get to do a lot of the behind-the-scenes work for our freshmen students and I am made to feel like my opinion counts and I am part of the staff.  I am currently working on helping find community service placements for roughly 250 students and working on a semester long reflection piece that will be used in the spring semester.  I also have been given big projects to head up and work on such as a community partner database and a volunteer e-newsletter for our campus community.  My great supervisor has also given me chances to branch out and work with other offices on our campus.  He has given me the opportunity to help out in other areas that I am passionate about and gain some experience in the world of higher education.

Thinking about it now I couldn't imagine doing or being any other place then I am right now.  Although, I do occasionally miss home and the life of a college student, I know I am right where I need to be.  I'm not sure how the next year is going to turn out but I can't wait.

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